NOVO is part of the LORIX project targeting large area X-ray detectors based on organic electronics!
Horizon 2020: Launch of the LORIX project targeting large area X-ray detectors based on organic electronics
GRENOBLE, France – April 7, 2015 – LORIX Horizon 2020 project, which stands for Large Organic Robust Imager for X-Ray sensing, was launched on February 1, 2015.
This project aims to develop, prototype and demonstrate large area X-ray detectors enabled by TOLAE[1] solution. The principal means of manufacturing innovative detectors is to merge printed organic photodiodes with active matrices of thin film transistors arrays on glass (classical silicon technology) or on plastic foil (organic TFT solution), depending on the targeted application.
The global trend in the X-Ray image sensor market is to move from analog (silver films and semi-digital computed radiography) to digital direct radiography using flat panel detectors (FPD). Even if advantages like low operational cost, higher performance and higher throughput are obvious, analog-to-digital conversion is today quite slow because of the cost of system ownership and reduced mechanical robustness. By addressing both these drawbacks, LORIX’s ambition is to speed up FPD market penetration and to strengthen European industries’ leadership position in the X-Ray imaging market.
LORIX developments will be driven by concrete business cases and take into account user needs in 3 targeted segments: medical, NDT and security.
Prototype development and demonstration will be made possible thanks to a cross-KET (Key enabling technology) multi-disciplinary approach, combining advanced organic materials and manufacturing printing technologies with microelectronics and photonics.
Supported by the European Commission under Horizon 2020, the 42 month, LORIX project is coordinated by CEA, Grenoble. 11 other partners from 6 countries are involved: TRIXELL, ISORG, FlexEnable, Plastic Logic Germany, Heraeus, Picosun, Orbotech, CMT, Philips, NOVO and TUM (Technische Universität München). The consortium’s competences and know-how cover the entire value creation chain for the LORIX innovative X-Ray sensors, from organic materials manufacturers to end-users.
Website of the project: www.lorix-project.eu


Press contacts
Project contact: Audrey Martinent, audrey.martinent@cea.fr
Press contact: Vincent Coronini, vincent.coronini@cea.fr
[1] TOLAE ; Thin Organic Large Area Electronic